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TEDU-GO Virtual Incubation Program Application Form

You can apply for the TEDU-GO Virtual Incubation program by filling in the fields on this page.

TEDU-GO Virtual Incubation Program is organized in two periods of 6 months + 6 months. While training and mentoring support is provided for the participants of the program in the first 6-month period, support is provided in the second 6-month period in line with the demands of the initiatives in need.

Entrepreneurs can apply at any time via the ever-open application form (this page). Applications to the incubation program, designed in cycles, are evaluated by considering the deadline determined for each cycle. If the application deadline for one cycle has passed at the time the application is submitted, this application will be considered for the next cycle.

TEDU-GO Virtual Incubation Program

GO.1 cycle: 19.02.2024 – 09.08.2024 Applications for the GO.1 cycle has been completed.
GO.2 cycle: 01.07.2024 – 27.12.2024 Applications for the GO.2 cycle has been completed. 

GO.3 cycle: February 2025

Application Requirements

All startups, from startups at the idea stage to 1-3-year-old companies, can participate in the TEDU-GO Virtual incubation program. For the startups included in the application pool, a ranking will be made in the light of the following criteria and the startups to be included in the program will be determined.

Virtual Incubation Program Evaluation Criteria

  • Innovation Level (Weight: 0.25):
  • Market Potential (Weight: 0.25):
  • Team Capabilities (Weight: 0.25):
  • Sustainability and Scalability (Weight: 0.15):
  • Potential to Contribute to Society (Weight: 0.1):

Score = (Level of Innovation x 0.25) + (Market Potential x 0.25) + (Capabilities of the Team x 0.25) + (Sustainability and Scalability x 0.15) + (Potential to Contribute to Society x 0.1)


You can get information about the TEDU-GO Virtual Incubation Program  on the Frequently Asked Questions page, and  in case of problems,  you can get information by sending an e-mail to

There are 21 questions in this survey.
Personal Information
In this field, information about the founder is requested. For teams, information about team members can be answered in subsequent questions of the survey.
(This question is mandatory)
(This question is mandatory)
(This question is mandatory)
E-mail address
(This question is mandatory)
Telephone number
(This question is mandatory)
Are you a TED University student, graduate, faculty member or employee? 
About Business Idea
In this field, summary information about the business idea is requested.
(This question is mandatory)
Startup Name
If you haven't named it yet, you can enter it as "N/A"
(This question is mandatory)
Summary of the startup idea
(This question is mandatory)
At what stage is your initiative? 
(This question is mandatory)
In which areas does your startup need support?  
Answer the following questions about your initiative
What innovation does the startup idea reveal?
What is the market potential of the startup idea?
Which skills should the team have or possess to realize the initiative?
How would you evaluate the entrepreneurial idea in terms of sustainability?
Is the entrepreneurial idea scalable?
Which disciplines contribute to the entrepreneurial idea?
What is the potential societal contribution of the entrepreneurial idea?
Does the entrepreneurial idea offer a contribution at the urban scale?
Do you have a team working on the entrepreneurial idea? If so, could you introduce your team?
Team Member 1: 1) Name, 2) Education Status, 3) Faculty/Department and 4) Areas of Expertise
What problem does your entrepreneurial idea solve?
Who are the target customers for the product/service/model you have created or are planning to create?
(This question is mandatory)
Does your entrepreneurial idea fall within the research domain of TED University faculty, or is your entrepreneurial idea associated with TED University faculty members?